In 2006 while breast feeding my 9 month old daughter I found a lump in my right breast. This lump changed my life. I was diagnosed with Stage III Breast Cancer and I was only 30 years old. I went through extensive treatment over the next year and became a survivor. 2 years later I had a recurrence in the same breast as the original tumor. Once again I went to extremes and fought to take my body back and became a survivor for the second time. Now at the age of 33, I have been told that the cancer has spread to my bones. This is the conversation that you never want to have with your oncologist. Not after the immense fight we have put up over the last 3 years. I am now considered to be Stage IV (metastatic breast cancer). It is a tough pill to swallow and we are struggling to understand why this has happened to us.
I have used this site to capture my journey since my original diagnosis. It is a link to my awesome support system and my outlet for the many feelings that this disease has forced upon our lives. To say that this has been a tough road is an understatement, but I will not lie down and let this disease run my life. I will fight with every ounce of my being to take my life back and put this cancer in check and I am more than happy to share my journey with you. You will find the site full of good news and bad. I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve so I don’t leave much out when I write about what is going on. I also try to do it with a smile if I can so this burden doesn’t get the best of our lives. I want to someday know that my daughter will be able to read this and understand my battle a little better. I hope it also enlightens those who read it and helps those going through similar situations to know that they are not alone.
Thanks for taking part in this journey with us... and we continue to be grateful for your positive thoughts and prayers. Your support has truly helped us as we continue to kick cancer butt in the Barkes/Pursley household. Please feel free to post your thoughts, pictures, questions or whatever suits your fancy- it gives me that extra boost of strength and courage knowing what an awesome team I have on my side!
Much love-
Jamie (Barkes) Pursley